Thursday, March 20, 2008

University of Goteborg, Center for Medical Scientific Research

Is What People Called It!!!

Here we started our first basic research. Very expensive indeed, but it was needed to go over direct therapy applications.

The difference between Europe and Latin America was on the number of visitors to the clinics.

While there in Europe had it to 10 per day we grew up to 500 patients per day at Honduras, on much different and varied tropical pathologies. Our experience was extremely rich in quantity and quality. Many european and north american doctors visited us for hands-on training.

In addition to having an exclusive Forum to exchange information and consultations between cases all over Latin America and the Caribbean, we developed superior standard of customer services, medical control and laboratory analyses on each case and pathology and a large database of reference and of advanced results. That was the main reason to our success.


First Therapy Clinic Dedication in Managua, Nicaragua

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!
This was the first clinic we opened at Managua, Nicaragua.
We were also invited guest to conferences in the cities of Managua, Granada and University of León, León in Nicaragua.

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TV Interviews After Reward, Calidad de Vida Internacional

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

TV Interview after the Award to Dra. María Celeste Rodríguez, Medical Director of Calidad de Vida Internacional, our international speaker professional doctor.


Diploma of Recognition: "Distinguish Visitor" Awards

...Is What People Called It!!!

Recognition Award: "Distinguish Visitor" Rewards

The major of the city of San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras recognizing the works of Calidad de Vida Internacional, S.A. and providing a Diploma of Recognition as "Distinguish Visitor."

Delmer Steer, Executive Director and speaker;
Tony, CEO; and Dr. María Celeste Rodríguez, Medical Director and Dr. Gloria Ramírez-El Salvador Rep.
Top Left, after the recognition we travel again to give another conference to 3,500 attendance in San Salvador, El Salvador.


Brindis for The Future!

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

Brindis for The Future!

Together with Tony and Dr. Bassam Soussi, scientific researcher from Goteborg University, Goteborg, Sweden. We got together for a visit to Universidad Médica de Villa Clara in Santa Clara, Cuba.

There we signed our second research agreement to basic and applied research on different pathologies, including research on blood testing and plasmae conservation with the Banco de Sangre de Santa Clara, Cuba.

We gave 10 conferences to doctors and specialists, extended our stay during 2 weeks, invested more than 50 thousand dollars and donated 10 complete units in exchange of scientific information and research work to be done in various cities across the country. We enjoyed visiting the "Che Guevara" museum in Santa Clara. Visiting Cuba it was a rewarding experience.


Hands-on Therapie Training at Calidad de Vida Internacional

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

Hands-on Therapie Training at Calidad de Vida Internacional

A rewarding visit: Dr. Pablo Sánchez Torres, Jr
Just one week after his journey to Cuba where he learned and experimented about our therapy system. He just drops off to San Pedro Sula airport, called us and we gave him a warm welcome.

Top and bottom, getting to learn our local experiences with our therapist's team(Alan Sinoe Aguilar & Tony Solano) and another Doctor from El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras.

He extended his stay for 2 weeks learning our full system and went back to apply it in México. Two months later, we dedicated his new opening under the name of the inventor of the Therapy.

He reunited more than 500 participants in the first conference. It was a hit to enter into the Mexican market.


Conference in Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara, México

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...People name it like that!

Top: Conference in Puerto Vallarta, México

Invited by Dr. Pablo Sanchez Torres, Jr


Dr. Pablo Sanchez Torres, Jr. Hidalgo 525, Col. Centro, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México CP48300

Phone: 52-3-22-225-4225

Bottom: Conference in Guadalajara, México

Invited by Dr. Pablo Sanchez Torres, Sir


Dr. Pablo Sanchez Torres, Sir

Fco. Quevedo No. 165-2, Col. Arcos sur, Guadalajara CP48300, Jalisco, México
Phone: 52-3-616-3017

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A Conference Presentation in Guatemala

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

A Conference Presentation in Guatemala

Top: Dr. Pablo A. Sanchez Torres, Jr. He went to acupuncture training to Universidad Médica - Ciencias Médicas Villa Clara, Santa Clara, Cuba. He learned about our therapy system in Cuba. Then, visit us to Honduras to get more hands-on professional training. He opens the first clinic in Puerto Vallarta, México. He invited us for a huge conference in México.

Bottom: Dr. Alejandro Elías Gramajo. He was our leader in Guatemala city. A very diversified theraphist. He learned our therapy system and integrated to his practice.


Dr. Alejandro Elías Gramajo

Clínica Biológica de Guatemala, 2da. Calle 33-56, Zona 7, Carretera Vieja a Mixco, Guatemala, Guatemala, Central America

Phone: 506-233-0363; 506-381-9833

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Conference Presentation

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

A conference presentation in San Salvador, El Salvador in Central America.

At my left, Dr. Mauricio Ulloa, a prestigious and very well respected doctor on the subject. He helped me out to spread the therapy all over the country.

Dr. Ulloa developed his own clinic and he is an expert on Singlet Energy therapy applications, including light acupuncture.

Dr. Ulloa has given 5 world conferences in 3 world congress of homotoxicology.
In addition, he has been named as professor in the International Academy of Homotoxicology in Baden- Baden, Germany.
He also gave conferences on homotoxicology and acupunture in Cuba.

Dr. Oscar Mauricio Ulloa, 19 Ave. Norte, No.1718, Col. Layco, San Salvador, El Salvador
Phone: 503-226-9065

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Miracle Machine: La Carrera de Calidad de Vida

La Máquina Milagrosa: La Carrera de Calidad de Vida

¡La máquina Milagrosa!...Asi la llamaba la gente. Así la mencionaban y reconocían todos los pacientes o usuarios que se beneficiaban de ella.

Y es que parece increíble el poder curarse de múltiples enfermedades con el solo hecho de periódicamente y durante unos cuantos unos días, beber 1 o 2 vasos de 8 onzas de agua de agua activada; e inhalar después, 5, 10, 15 ó 30 minutos de este aire activado que la misma máquina producía.

Cuando empezé mi trabajo con esta maravillosa máquina y me impresionaba con sus maravillosos resultados en el crítico y difícil campo de las enfermedades, nunca visualizé hacia donde iba a llegar.

La gente - creía yo - solo estaba pasando un momento emocional al respecto. Todo lo que sucedía alrededor de las aplicaciones de esta terapia era fundamento de una simple ilusión.

De hecho, esto me lo dijo el primer médico que invité para ayudarme con la carga que se me venía encima -cual es- la de la correcta evaluación de cada una de las patologías sobre las cuales estaba observando resultados maravillosos, cual nunca vistos antes en mi Villa.

Y todo empezó con el tratamiento contra el asma de mi último varón. Cuatro(4) simples días de terapia y sus síntomas totalmente desaparecieron por completo. Incluso, Quintín, su médico de cabecera se sorprendió cuando lo dije "no más hospitales, ni internaciones de emergencia, mi hijo está curado de su asma".

Y zas que se me viene un resto de estudiantes de la escuela primaria en la que me hijo estudiaba. La maestra se dió cuenta por comentarios inusuales de boca en boca, que Edwin se había curado del asma con un aparatito que yo tenía.

Sin preguntarmelo, me empezó a enviar una delegación cada vez más numerosa y de mayor responsabilidad, a una buena cantidad de niños de la escuela para darlos tratamiento con la máquina milagrosa.

Sin preocupaciones iniciales, procedí con la terapia inofensiva. Agua y aire a nadie pueden hacerle daño - me decía - pero algo me preocupaba. El caso de llevar un control correcto, estadísticas y datos de lo que estaba haciendo. Esto era para mi de singular importancia. Algún día tenía que contestar la pregunta de "¿Cuántos casos de cada enfermedad has tratado?"

Empecé con mi cuadernito de trabajo y aplicando mis conocimientos universitarios de llevar un buen control. Y asi iba avanzando tenazmente, día tras día, jornadas de 10 y 12 horas. Agotadoras pero muy llenas de entusiasmo observando los fantásticos resultados en el campo de la salud humana.

Pero todavía tenía muchas dudas: ¿Cómo, porqué, qué, quién, dónde? Múltiples interrogantes adverbios y sujetos de muchas preguntas cuya información, por el momento no encontraba respuesta. Objetivamente comprendí que necesitaba más información.

Singlet Energy

THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

To your question about what is Singlet energy?

Just think about when normal oxygen (as the one we usually respire) is activated to its single state by a process called photosensitization produces singlet oxygen. But it doesn't last too long. When returning to normal oxygen again, liberates energy. And this energy is what is called Singlet energy. I would like to any medicine, "the active ingredient."

But, where does it come from?

The lifetime of Singlet oxygen is very short: estimated as a millionth of a second. But the energy doesn’t change. It remains. And that is the energy which (integrated with water or air inhalation) produces a great healing effect to the human body.

How Singlet oxygen is it produced?

Singlet energy is produced as a byproduct of the natural molecular oxygen when activated by Ultra Violet light.

The oxygen within the air get activated during a very short period of time(milliseconds), then it return to its natural state but the energy produced remains and, it may be transferred to water or the body. To the water by mean of producing bubbles during a short period of time. The air is released, but the energy remains in the water. To the body by drinking such water and by simple inhalation.

How does it stimulate growth in red blood cells?

Almost every cell needs oxygen to survive. Cells reproduce quickly when having oxygen, but much faster when having oxygen with energy. If the oxygen within the air is energized (which is not common in urban environments) cells will reproduce in an ideal environment: Oxygen and energy are great stimulants to cell growth.

What other cells does it stimulate growth?

In patient suffering from immunological diseases it has been discovered to stimulate the growth of beneficial cells: white blood cell, platelet, etc. As I am not an expert, little I may speak about this area. But amazing results from applied research confirmed my statement.

How is this good for human health?

Stimulating the body’s immunologic system to help the patient to recover faster from the damages or devastating effects from diseases. It also eliminates and reduces the production of free radicals (oxidative stress) from the human body. It is widely known that free radicals are involved in almost every disease.

How does singlet energy help bananas and other agricultural produce?

Bananas production involves an intensive and frequent use of many different chemicals (insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, etc.) in order to send to the market and present to the customer a pretty yellow top quality final produce. But if this said Singlet energy is given to plant’s root system (by drip irrigation), it is up taken through the plant vessels and carried up to every part of the plant, especially to leaves, producing a very resistant plant to diseases. Obviously, no needs of chemicals. We may simply produce "organic agricultural produce."


Could you imagine the savings involved?
Could you imagine the change or effect to our environment?

My Dream:

I dream that one day we will have this technologie widely applied to agricultural production. But, where I do really expect the most beneficial application is to shrimp and fish farming.
There are great losses of larvae in shrimp farming. This energy may save trillions of dollars to companies involved on intensive shrimp and fish farming.
I am just waiting to somebody interested to try it or listening to the great possibilities. Let me know if you would like to try it...



THE MIRACLE MACHINE...Is What People Called It!!!

Even if I disagree with the way they named it, I just let it go. Anyway, in the long run, is people who define product's name in relation to the results they feel are getting from it.

When I started this Singlet Energy therapie about 13 years ago, I got amazed with the outcome. It is incredible when you see many patients using so many different treatments, drugs and, medicines and they seem not to get well at all. There is something there that those who provide the treatment are missing: Listening ability. I may mention more about it, probably in the near future.

It is just that you must have empathy with the sufferers. Otherwise if you look at them as just "your income in mind" then, for some reason there is no health improvement. This is what I call...lack of work ethics. It is nescessary to apply work ethics on a daily basis, at every moment of your interaction. If you not, then you will be building a hearth of pure cement. Hard like a rock.

People need you, especially when they are sick. Pay attention and listening to what they openly expose to you. Every expression they give you carry the solution to their desperate melancoly.
Pay full attention to it. Open your ears to full extent...and listen. Please, please...listen.
