Even if I disagree with the way they named it, I just let it go. Anyway, in the long run, is people who define product's name in relation to the results they feel are getting from it.
When I started this Singlet Energy therapie about 13 years ago, I got amazed with the outcome. It is incredible when you see many patients using so many different treatments, drugs and, medicines and they seem not to get well at all. There is something there that those who provide the treatment are missing: Listening ability. I may mention more about it, probably in the near future.
It is just that you must have empathy with the sufferers. Otherwise if you look at them as just "your income in mind" then, for some reason there is no health improvement. This is what I call...lack of work ethics. It is nescessary to apply work ethics on a daily basis, at every moment of your interaction. If you not, then you will be building a hearth of pure cement. Hard like a rock.
People need you, especially when they are sick. Pay attention and listening to what they openly expose to you. Every expression they give you carry the solution to their desperate melancoly.
que bonitas las fotos
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